
Data growth continues to be astronomical, both in size and complexity. Capturing every transaction, maintaining the data, and producing meaningful metrics is a haphazard and complex process. Data analytics captures various types of data from numerous sources with speed and precision well beyond what could be accomplished manually.

Effectively capturing and managing data from day one is key to success. This means using automation to efficiently process transactions, putting the right data at an organization’s fingertips to drive insights. We help organizations learn from data and use it to predict future behavior. Our experts are certified in multiple tools and domains to help organizations get the most out of their data. Creoal helps build information ecosystems that guide customers through analytics, from insight to action, thus turning their data into a competitive advantage.

Data Integration
Data Integration

Creoal also helps with the valuable and yet often underused asset of data. Vast quantities and disparate sources of data make it difficult to extract, integrate, and share it. Without a clear data integration strategy and knowledgeable execution of it, data can become overwhelming and even worse, meaningless. However, when optimized, data morphs into indispensable information about an organization’s mission.

Business Intelligence Services
Data Visualization

Data can be hard to digest. The human brain processes images much faster than it does text. Data visualization is a powerful solution that summarizes data into clear, concise images that instantly convey the intended message, exposing patterns and trends that might otherwise go undetected. Creoal helps make sure that organizations have the right dashboards to encourage inquisitive users to interact and ask more questions, resulting in more informed decision making.

Predictive Analytics
Predictive Analytics

Organizations often use data to report on what happened in the past. They miss the opportunity to gain insights about the future. Creoal consults on the predictive analytics to help leverage data to identify trends and forecast what might happen next, providing insight into how to achieve organizational goals.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Robotics Process Automation (RPA)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Robotics Process Automation (RPA)

Creoal implements AI and RPA solutions to take over labor-intensive, repetitive tasks, freeing users to focus their efforts on processes essential to business operations. With the ability to complete thousands of data entry operations in minutes, users are self-sufficient and can find the answers they need instantly—without outside intervention.

Learn how we can turn your data into a competitive advantage.

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